About MonTsu

About Montessori Tsukuba International School (モンテッソーリつくばについて)

Montessori Tsukuba International School (モンテッソーリつくばインターナショナルスクール) is a progressive English preschool, reading lab, and after school located in Namiki, Tsukuba. It was established with the aim of empowering children to become independent, academically competitive, culturally literate, and socially responsible lifelong learners through hands-on, individualized, and cooperative learning experiences.

It wishes to contribute to Japan’s internationalization efforts through its existing programs.

The Montessori Tsukuba logo

Montessori Tsukuba モンテッソーリ つくば 並木 Preschool, Reading Lab and After School 英語 教育

About our logo

The logo’s shape is that of a typical shield with interlocked laurel wreath, symbolizing knowledge and learning. Burgundy and gold were carefully chosen as logo colors; burgundy to signify uniqueness and gold to indicate excellence. The butterfly in the middle represents the transformation of the child through each phase of his or her development.

The butterfly’s body is shaped like a tower, depicting the “pink tower,” a Montessori sensorial material.  This iconic Montessori apparatus symbolizes the child’s absorbent mind and sensitive periods. The base of the pink tower represents Montessori Tsukuba’s aim to build a strong foundation for each of the five areas of the Montessori curriculum (i.e., practical life, sensorial, math, language, and cultural arts) among its learners, whereas the graded size of the pink tower blocks represents the “diminishing presence” of the teacher in the prepared environment as children become more and more independent day by day.

The butterfly’s wings are shaped like books, symbolizing reading. Reading is a skill which, once acquired, enables a child to imagine and understand the world through all kinds of interesting facts and stories presented in children’s literature. Through reading, our students are hopefully transformed into learners who can speak clearly (upper left wing), read fluently, and write thoughtfully (upper right wing).

The Montessori system allows students to explore and discover things for themselves (lower left wing) while becoming empowered through “work” in the prepared environment and teacher’s guidance (the learning triangle in the lower right wing). The butterfly’s head represents the goal, symbolized in the logo by the peaks of Mount Tsukuba.